Sunday, 20 March 2011

*Resepi Kek Coklat..

it is very simple long as you have the will and the passion of cooking, you will get a better result!plus, this cake is considered as my mom's birthday present jgk~
2 cawan gula kastor
1/2 cawan mentega (suhu bilik)
1/2 cawan serbuk koko
1 sudu kecil esen vanila
1 cawan air kopi/nescafe (tanpa gula)
1/2 cawan susu mentega(buttermilk)/susu rendah lemak
2 biji telur (kalau telur kecil, guna 3 biji telur/suhu bilik jugak)
2 cawan tepung (tepung gandum)
secubit garam
                                                      1 1/2 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat

Bahan hiasan/Topping
450gm gula aising
1/2 cawan serbuk koko
1/4 sudu kecil garam
1 sudu kecil esen vanila
6 sudu besar air kopi/nescafe
6 sudu besar mentega lembut(soft butter)

Cara-cara (kek)
1. Cover-kan dulang pembakar ngan kertas minyak. (i use A4 paper).then, grease-kan dengan butter.

2.Satukan gula, mentega dan serbuk koko. pukul sebati.

 3. Then, masukkan buttermilk, telur, esen vanila dan air kopi/nescafe. Gaul hingga sebati.

4.Time ni, bolehlah panaskan oven.
5.Kemudian, masukkan tepung, garam dan soda bikarbonat.

6. Kaupkan adunan hingga sebati. Tuang adunan. Bakar pada suhu 180 darjah Celsius selama sejam.
7.Bila kek dah masak, keluarkan dan biarkan sampai betul2 sejuk!

Cara-cara (topping)
1. Satukan gula iasing, serbuk koko dan garam. Gaul hingga sebati.
2. Masukkan esen vanila, air kopi dan mentega lembut. Kacau adunan hingga sebati.

3.Untuk melapis, bahagikan kek kepada 2 bahagian. Sapukan adunan pada lapisan pertama dan kedua..

4.Hias lar dengan kacang ke, coklat ke..aising ke...

*maka, siaplah kek for my lovely mama...happy birthday!!

*sumber- Majalah Saji, Mei 2007, page 82, by Noor Joha Ahmad.

Thanks Majalah Saji.. thought me how to be a cooker!! 


  1. bile cik fatin ajar memasak..hehe..akk da follow k:))

  2. Wow. The cake is quite interesting as it looks. Should be really tasty kan?

    But actually, this not quite a Chocolate cake lah. It's Koko cake. Chocolate cake means you melt the chocolate inside as one of the ingredient. (P.S - I still remember because I used to help my mum bake cakes for Christmas)

  3. kak husna- tq cuz follow balik!, since lps spm. chef is my part-time job..hehehe

    dylan-i guess u're right. i just realized it when i mixed the ingredient. it's not chocolate or koko cake, but more to coffee cake. btw, thanks!!

  4. Haha, you can't lie to Chef Dahlan i guess? Nah, it's ok. Small prob. Maybe you should call it Coffee Koko cake.

    Anytime, anywhere.
    Smile always :)

  5. fatin!!!!! ble ak dtg umah ko nnt buat kek utk ak gak tau!!!!!hehehehehe....
