Thursday, 28 April 2011

*the latest!

hehehhe..da lama tk berblog!!
tk de sbjek nk discuss..
especially, after the JPA interview.
malas lar nk crite2 pengalaman interview tu!.!
bukan tak sudi, cuma lebih kurang jer yang boleh dibaca kt blog2 org lain.

klau rajin..
ak post ok!!
KALAU lar..

ok, apa yg latest??
1.smlam check matrik..alhmdulillah! 
tp, kat gopeng nun..allahuakbar!(dekat btol)..
bak kata kawan ak- 'mengengsot pun bleh sampai'

2.n ni berita paling gembira dalam hidup aku kowt!
alhmdulillah ak dapat straight A..
cm tk caye kan!!
ak dapat B+ for my Tassawur Islam..
pstu, ckgu recommend lar buat  semakan smula sbjek tu..
kena lar bayar duit pos RM50/subject..
aku ikut je lar..nak straight A pnye psai..
n kelamarin, skolah call sruh ambik result..

rasanye, tu je lar yang latest pun..

tp, sedang menggu gak jwapan JPA n UPU..
hr tu, memang ade apply, KPLSPM..dapat!
tp, tk prgi pun interview..
sebab aku rasa aku tk de bakat nk jdi ckgu kowt..
wlalupun ak dpt offer sbjek Physics!
my favourite subject..
forget it lar..da lepas..
nak tulis pe lagi ek..

sekarang aku wondering..ape lar Kate Middleton tgah wt ek..
kan kejap lagi dye nak kahwin ngan Prince William!!!

my favorite pictures, among all...

Friday, 8 April 2011

An interview

i was short listed for the jpa interview.
will be held at Ipoh..on 13th of April
meaning..NEXT WEEK!!
need to study so more..
*wish me luck!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Donating Blood..

well, yesterday was very exciting...
i went for the blood transfusion programme organized by the IPD Kampar.
and i was the youngest!!
but most importantly, the doctor interviewed me..
not me who interviewed the doctor..
that short conversation actually made me more exciting in this field..

doctor: dengar kata nak jadi doktor,betul ke??
me     : ha'a..
doctor: betul ke minat??
me     : minat..
doctor: tak takut darah??
me     : tak...
doctor: sanggup berpisah dengan keluarga, suami, anak-anak??
me     : saya belum kahwin..mana tau cam me perasaannya.tapi, saya tau doktor kerja 36jam..

then, i went for the blood test..and i am 'B' type..which mean, i can only accept the 'O', 'B' and 'AB' type of blood during the blood transfusion..

then, continue talking with the doctor,
doctor: sebenarnya, saya menyesal jadi doktor.
me     : larr, kenapa pulak?? (which make me nervous for the answer)
doctor: sebab life kita hanya pada patient..tak de masa untuk diri sendiri.tapi nak buat mcm mne..saya..

me     : ..terpaksa teruskan..(cepat2 cut..)

lepas je buat buku derma darah, terus ahead ke katil..for that procedure..

nurse: tak nampak sgt lar blood vesesel kat sini. (tangan kiri)
head-nurse: urat halus sgt..
me: try tgok kat tgn kanan? (sje jek sbok2)
nurse: ha..kt sni nmpak skit..
head-nurse: emm, boleh msti jrg buat kerja kan...
me: heheheheh!!

then, here goes the pain part!
nurse: darah tk jalan lar! skit sgt yang masuk beg ni..
me: uuaarrh!! da lar masuk lak darah! masukkan balik dlm badan..membazir jek
abah: aik, mana boleh masuk balik!.

finally, its done...tapi, tak penuh pun!
ok lar..first time!
 for the next post..insyaAllah. ak nk tulis psai the benefit of donating blood!

Monday, 4 April 2011

*this week-Health & JPA

aik, ape kne-mngena 'HEALTH n JPA' ?? 
ok, firstly..
-i'm not feeling very well now..sore throat!!
ni penangan makan durian berbakul-bakul smpai tak ingat dunia lar ni! well, org Perak lar katakan...
but, ade sore throat ke tak..tak bnyak beza pun..
well, between pain n not pain mmg lar ader different but org xkan camnye kalu ak sakit tkak..
spe bleh klahkan ex-headgirl yg punya suara jantan cm ak??

esok, insyaAllah esok ada program donating blood.
akhirnya, dpt gk merasa cm ne derma darah tuh..
quite fear n excited actually!
well, new experience worth more than anything...

n thirtly..
this 8th March is the tarikh semakan temuduga JPA..
hopefully, dpt lar...amin!!
Ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu ini Ya Tuhan...

*semoga, segalanya dipermudahkan.................................

The 8 Lucky People..

well dylan, thnks for tagging me..n said that i'm "ORANG PERAK PALING BIJAK"huhuhu!! kalu bijak sgt, cnfirm i dpt straight A lol..btw, thanks again..

nak tag sape yerk?? well, this blog is not recently updated by the owner
so, tak rpt sgt ngn followers2 except you dylan and a few friends of mine..

*but, i think that i'm quite HOT!!
betul what! perak skrang sgt panas..but kat pelis, banjir plak!
kuasa Tuhan, Dia yang Maha Mengetahui..